Workshop on Cognitive/Neurological language

Workshop on Cognitive/Neurological language
 Dear Tellsi Members
In line with the TELLSI Association’s intention to activate the SIGs (i.e., Special Interest Groups), in general, and in particular, the SIG of Educational Neurolinguistics: Brain Based Language Learning (established some while ago:, a one-day workshop (1397, Aban 1st) is going to be held on Cognitive/Neurological language studies with the cooperation of the Cognitive Research Center and Tellsi association. As we all know, a danger to any field of study (as I always point out) is to be unidimensional and ELT is not an exception. The world has moved towards interdisciplinary areas of study and the BRAIN is indeed one of the forgotten variables in our field. During the workshop the students will get familiar with the Brain scanning tools and the cognitive/neurological research studies pertaining to language and language learning. The workshops will be run by two prominent professors i.e. Dr. Purmohammad (PhD in Psycholinguistics from University of Bern, Switzerland) and Dr. Radman (PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from University of Fribourg, Switzerland).
After holding the last years three summer schools, the first of which was carried out in 1394 (as the first summer school in the field of TEFL in the country), we are pleased to take another step in activating an interdisciplinary SIG of our TELLSI association.
In order to register for the mentioned workshop (maximum number: 15 participants), please find the attached announcement file on its details and the resume of the two workshop presenters. Hope the interested graduate studies students and faculty members enjoy taking
 part in the one-day hands-on-experience workshop.

Workshop on Educational Psych/Neuro-Linguistics

Oct 13, 2018 01:11
Number of visit : 7,175


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