The third Translation Studies Symposium was jointly held by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) and Teaching English and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI) on September 30, 2021 to celebrate the international translation day. Organized by TELLSI Translation Studies SIG chair, Prof. Masoud Khoshsaligheh, and hosted by FUM, the event included a keynote speech, 11 presentations, and a workshop on various classic and emerging areas in translation and interpreting studies. The Guest speaker, Prof. Ebru Diriker (Boğaziçi University, Turkey), presented her keynote speech on "Agency in Conference Interpreting: Doe it Exist?" attempting to explore how insiders and outsiders aim to fix/stabilize the role definition9s) while actual contexts continue to defy fixed role definitions, making role manifestations and evaluations heavily contingent on contexts.