Board Elections and Leadership Renewal
TELLSI holds Board of Directors elections every three years during its annual conferences. These elections ensure dynamic leadership and provide members with a voice in guiding the society’s future.
Key Elections Over the Years:
- 2008: University of Gilan – Introduction of newly elected board members.
- 2009: University of Yazd – Board restructured due to key member transitions.
- 2019: Islamic Azad University of Tabriz – Elections brought in highly qualified academic leaders.
- 2022: University of Birjand – Notable scholars and leading academics were elected.
Members of the Board of Directors of the Association from its establishment to the present
The first Board of Directors of this association consisted of: the late Dr. Seyed Ali Akbar Mirhassani, Dr. Abdolmahdi Riazi, Dr. Seyed Mohammad Alavi, Dr. Reza Ghafar Samar, Dr. Mahmoud Reza Ataei, and Dr. Ali Asghar Eftekhari. The second group of board members was determined after elections held during the general meeting at the sixth annual gathering of this association in Gilan. These members included: Dr. Abbas Ali Rezaei, Dr. Mirhassani, Dr. Ghafar Samar, Dr. Alavi, Dr. Seyedeh Sousan Marandi, Dr. Hassas Khah, Dr. Mahdavi Zafarghandi, Dr. Kiani, and Dr. Eftekhari. Following the passing of Dr. Mirhassani and Dr. Riazi’s immigration to Canada, another election was held at the seventh gathering of this association in October 2009 at Yazd University, resulting in the election of Dr. Anani Sarab and Dr. Taj al-Din as reserve members of the association.
The subsequent board members of this association, elected at the tenth gathering at Shahid Beheshti University, are as follows: Dr. Seyedeh Sousan Marandi (President), Dr. Reza Khani (Vice President) from Ilam University, Dr. Anani Sarab from Shahid Beheshti University (Treasurer), Dr. Zia Taj al-Din from Allameh Tabatabai University (Editor of the English Language Teaching Journal), and Dr. Ramin Akbari from Tarbiat Modares University. Additionally, Dr. Abbas Ali Rezaei from Tehran University and Dr. Hassan Soodmand Afshar from Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamadan were elected as alternate members, and Dr. Zahra Nafisi from Alzahra University was elected as the association’s auditor.
In the next elections at Lorestan University, the following individuals were elected as members of the TELLSI Board of Directors: Professor Alireza Jalilifar from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (President of the Association), Dr. Reza Khani from Ilam University (Vice President of the Association), Dr. Mahmoudreza Moradian from Lorestan University (Treasurer), Dr. Hassan Soodmand Afshar from Bu-Ali Sina University (Main Member), Dr. Nouraldin Yousefi from Razi University (Main Member), Dr. Abbasali Rezaei from the University of Tehran (Alternate Member), Dr. Zari Saeidi Talab from Allameh Tabatabai University (Alternate Member), and Dr. Zahra Nafisi from Alzahra University (Auditor).
The next association elections were held in 1398 (2019) alongside the 17th International TELLSI Conference at Islamic Azad University of Tabriz, where the following individuals were elected to the Board of Directors by majority vote: Professor Alireza Jalilifar from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (President of the Association), Professor Hassan Soodmand Afshar from Bu-Ali Sina University (Vice President of the Association), Dr. Hamid Alami from Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran (Alternate Member), Dr. Behlul Salmani from Islamic Azad University of Tabriz (Treasurer), Dr. Minoo Alami from Islamic Azad University of West Tehran, Dr. Mojtaba Mohammadi from Islamic Azad University of West Tehran, Dr. Gholamreza Abasian from Imam Ali University (Alternate Member), and Dr. Nouraldin Yousefi from Razi University of Kermanshah (Auditor).
Additionally, in the latest general assembly elections of the TELLSI Association held during the 19th International Conference of the Association at Birjand University in November 2022, the following individuals were elected as members of the Board of Directors and Auditor by the votes of the members:
- Professor Hassan Soodmand Afshar from Bu-Ali Sina University (President of the Association)
- Dr. Ismail Ali Salimi from Allameh Tabatabai University (Vice President of the Association)
- Dr. Bahloul Salmani from Islamic Azad University of Tabriz (Treasurer)
- Dr. Gholamreza Abasian from Imam Ali University (Main Member of the Board)
- Dr. Hossein Navidinia from Birjand University (Main Member of the Board)
- Dr. Seyyed Reza Beh Afarin from Islamic Azad University, Tehran (North Branch)
- Dr. Mehran Memari from Farhangian University of Ahvaz
- Dr. Zahra Nafisi from Alzahra University (Auditor of the Association)